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Dr. Helen Dawes

Dr. Helen Dawes

Dr. Helen Dawes

Professor of Clinical Rehabilitation, College of Medicine and Health

University of Exeter

Helen Dawes is Professor of Clinical Rehabilitation in the College of Medicine and Health. Helen has a clinical academic background as a physiotherapist and exercise scientist with an ambition to enable people living with conditions affecting their movement to be able to move more. She has been based at Oxford Brookes University working for the Oxford Health BRC and closely collaborating with key colleagues at the University of Oxford, and McGill, Shanghai Jiao Tong Affiliated Sixth People’s Hospital, Sao Paulo, Drexel, Aarhus, Monash, and Oslo Universities.

Her research involves working closely, with industry, clinicians, and the public, to develop, evaluate and translate to clinical practice transformative innovation. Pre-commercialisation of her Academic research and patents is being explored with a number of UK and International companies. In her role, Helen will be exploring the development of effective personalised, scalable, rehabilitation innovations to address the growing global need.