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Dr. Vitor Zimmerer

Dr. Vitor Zimmerer

Dr. Vitor Zimmerer

Lecturer, Division of Psychology and Language Sciences

University College of London (UCL)

Dr Vitor Zimmerer is a lecturer in the Department of Language and Cognition at University College London. He was born in Niteroi, Brazil. He has a MA in Linguistics from Heinrich-Heine-University in Düsseldorf, Germany, and a PhD in Human Communication Sciences from the University of Sheffield, UK. His research topics are the effects of neurological damage and atypical development on language, and he studies a range of populations including people with dementia and aphasia. He is particularly interested in sensitive linguistic markers of impairment. His work has been supported by the Alzheimer’s Society. He is a member of the Speech Consortium founded by the Alzheimer’s Drug Discovery Foundation. He lectures on Neuroscience and Clinical Linguistics.