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Fourier Intelligence

Fourier Intelligence Group is a leading technology company dedicated to developing exoskeleton and rehabilitation robotics with a focus on creativity since its inception in 2015. Founded by a team of engineers, researchers, and clinicians, it works closely with its users and patients to deliver cutting-edge rehabilitation robotics solutions. The group is led by Zen Koh, a previous researcher in Glasgow, Southampton, and Singapore working on wearable sensors and robotics. In his career of over 20 years, he has started successful companies in neurorehabilitation robotics. He has been at the forefront of driving the industry development of clinically relevant technologies. Some of the key challenges that Zen and his team at Fourier Intelligence are trying to solve are making technologies mainstream and fully integrating them into the clinical setting to create positive clinical outcomes.

Neurorehabilitation is based on the principles of motor learning. For neuro reconnection to occur, high-intensity, task-specific, goal-oriented, and self-initiated functional movement training must be performed. Robotics are well suited for this task. Fourier Intelligence has developed a range of devices to make technologies affordable and user-friendly. With the RehabHub™ concept, Fourier Intelligence is well-positioned to disrupt the medical rehabilitation field positively.

With joint laboratories across the globe, Fourier Intelligence has built a network of engineers, researchers, and clinicians to chart the new frontier of innovative medical technologies. These strategic partners include top-tier rehabilitation institutions such as Shirley Ryan AbilityLab in Chicago, the KITE Research Institute at the Toronto Rehabilitation Institute – University Health Network, ETH Zürich in Switzerland, National Healthcare Group in Singapore, and the University of Melbourne.

Fourier Intelligence looks forward to partnering with you and “Empowering You” to achieve the vision of creating technologies that change lives.